1997 Seoul National University (Ph.D. - Mechanical Design)
1994 Seoul National University (M.S. - Mechanical Design)
1992 Seoul National University (B.S. - Mechanical Design)
2003 - Present GIST, Professor
2000 - 2003 NIST, Guest researcher
1997 - 2000 Samsung SDS, Advisory engineer
2022 Associate Editor of Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Oxford University Press (SCI IF 5.34
2020 Honor for contributing to the industry of artificial intelligence from the Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT (Korea)
2020 Gaheon Award from the Gaheon Foundation (Sindoricoh) and the Society for Computational Design and Engineering (Korea)
2019 AI Competition Grand Prize from Socar X Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (Korea)
2016 Shape morphing simulator for SMA 4D printing, Silver prize (Secretary of Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) in Global Software contest from the Korea Software Industry Association (Korea)
2016 Outstanding paper award from the Society for Computational Design and Engineering (Korea)
2016 4D printing simulator, Bronze prize in Computational Design and Engineering contest from the Society for Computational Design and Engineering (Korea)
2015 Retrofit, Silver prize in CAD/CAM Software contest from the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers (Korea)
2009 Outstanding paper award from the Optical Society of Korea (Korea)
2008 Outstanding paper award from the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers (Korea)
2004 Academic achievements (Epson, Japan)
1998 Dental-1, Bronze prize in CAD/CAM Software contest from the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers (Korea)
1997 UniView, Bronze prize in CAD/CAM Software contest from the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers (Korea)
1994 Outstanding graduate student, Seoul National University